Source code for

This module contains both the Data class and the MeasurementBase class.
In a reflectometry measurement, the experimental data corresponds to the
reflected intensity as a function of scattering vector Q. In a typical
diffractometer, Q is a virtual axis, calculated geometrically from various motor
positions. The Data class takes care of these conversions, exposing q, theta,
intensity, reflectivity, and energy.

The MeasurementBase class defines a simple class that is Data, but that also has

import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import physical_constants

[docs]class Data: """ The base class of all Islatu objects that contain data. Attributes: intensity: A numpy array containing intensities in this dataset. intensity_e: A numpy array containing the corresponding errors in intensity. theta: A numpy array containing the probe particle's angle of incidence at each intensity. q_vectors: A numpy array containing the magnitude of the probe particle's scattering vector for each intensity value. energy: The energy of the probe particle used to acquire this data. This is necessary to swap between theta and q. Args: intensity: A numpy array of the intensities in this dataset. intensity_e: The errors on the intensities. energy: The energy of the probe particle used to acquire this data. theta: A numpy array containing the probe particle's angle of incidence at each intensity. NOTE: only one of theta/q needs to be provided. q_vectors: A numpy array containing the magnitude of the probe particle's scattering vector for each intensity value. NOTE: only one of theta/q needs to be provided. """ def __init__(self, intensity, intensity_e, energy, theta=None, q_vectors=None): self.intensity = intensity self.intensity_e = intensity_e = energy if (theta is None) and (q_vectors is None): raise ValueError( "Either theta or q must be provided to create a Data instance" ) # When using properties, it wont matter which of these ends up as None. self._theta = theta self._q = q_vectors @property def reflectivity(self) -> np.array: """ Returns the intensity, normalized such that the maximum value of the intensity is equal to 1. To acquire """ return self.intensity/np.amax(self.intensity) @property def reflectivity_e(self) -> np.array: """ Returns the errors on the intensity, divided by the maximum value of the intensity array. """ return self.intensity_e/np.amax(self.intensity) @property def q_vectors(self) -> np.array: """ Returns self._q if this instance of Data was generated from q-data. Otherwise, converts from self._theta to q. """ if (self._q is None) and (self._theta is not None): return self._theta_to_q(self._theta, else: return self._q @q_vectors.setter def q_vectors(self, value) -> None: """ Sets self._q. """ self._q = value @property def theta(self) -> np.array: """ Returns self._theta if this instance of Data was generate from th-data. Otherwise, converts from scattered q to theta. """ if (self._theta is None) and (self._q is not None): return self._q_to_theta(self._q, else: return self._theta @theta.setter def theta(self, value) -> None: self._theta = value def _theta_to_q(self, theta, energy) -> np.array: """ Calculates the scattering vector Q from diffractometer theta. Args: theta (:py:attr:`str`): Array of theta values to be converted. energy (:py:attr:`float`): Energy of the incident probe particle. """ planck = physical_constants["Planck constant in eV s"][0] * 1e-3 speed_of_light = physical_constants[ "speed of light in vacuum"][0] * 1e10 q_values = np.sin(np.radians(theta)) / (planck * speed_of_light) q_values *= energy * 4.0 * np.pi return q_values def _q_to_theta(self, q_values, energy) -> np.array: """ Calculates the diffractometer theta from scattering vector Q. Args: theta (:py:attr:`str`): Array of theta values to be converted. energy (:py:attr:`float`): Energy of the incident probe particle. """ planck = physical_constants["Planck constant in eV s"][0] * 1e-3 speed_of_light = physical_constants[ "speed of light in vacuum"][0] * 1e10 theta_values = planck * speed_of_light * \ np.arcsin(q_values / (energy * 4 * np.pi)) theta_values = theta_values*180/np.pi return theta_values
[docs] def remove_data_points(self, indices): """ Convenience method for the removal of a specific data point by its index. Args: indices: The indices to be removed. """ if self._q is not None: self._q = np.delete(self._q, indices) if self._theta is not None: self._theta = np.delete(self._theta, indices) self.intensity = np.delete(self.intensity, indices) self.intensity_e = np.delete(self.intensity_e, indices)
[docs]class MeasurementBase(Data): """ All measurements derive from this class. Attrs: metadata: The metadata relevant to this measurement. """ def __init__(self, intensity, intensity_e, energy, metadata, theta=None, q=None) -> None: # Initialize the Data. super().__init__(intensity, intensity_e, energy, theta, q) # Store the metadata. self.metadata = metadata